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American Youth Soccer Organization Providing world class youth soccer programs that enrich children's lives.

AYSO 114 Long Beach


Region 114 Coach Contacts

Region 114 Coach Contacts

Regional Coach Administrator

Jeff Schell, [email protected]

Division Coordinators

Have coaching questions? Reach out to your Division Coordinator!

U5/U6: Chris Cleary

U7/U8: Carlos Maruri

U10: Mike Bledsoe

U12: Shom Dasgupta-Tsinikas

U14: Jerry Montes

U16-U19: Jeff Schell

Lead Coach Instructor / Coach Classes

Joshua Dawson, [email protected]

All-Stars, Spring Select, Post-Season Coordinator

Carlos Maruri, [email protected]

Jamie Lawendowski, [email protected]

Stuff for Current Coaches

Everything Fall 2024 Coaches Need to Know

MUST READ! 2024 Coach Checklist (PDF).

⚽ Nearly as important, 2024 Division Guides.

⚽ Need help completing volunteer requirements? Visit the Region 114 Coach Certification page.

⚽ Looking to get your AYSO Coach Certification? Visit the Region 114 Coach Certification page.

⚽ Get those Team Volunteer Points so you can participate in the season-end tournament!

⚽ Fall 2024 Matchtrak: U5-U12 Region 114 circuit   |   U14 Area Z Circuit   |   U16-U19 Section 11 Uppers Circuit

Coach Forms

Due dates for items in your volunteer profile

Every requirement shown in your volunteer profile needs to be completed, but they have different due dates:

  • Online Background Check ("Risk Status"): Due before you can receive a roster (mid-July) This can take up to two weeks, so you should complete before the end of June.
  • Live Scan Fingerprinting: Due before you can receive a roster (mid-July). This can take up to two weeks, so you should complete before the end of June.
  • Save Haven: Due before you can lead an AYSO activity (practice, team meeting, etc.) Due before August.
  • Concussion Awareness: Due before you can lead an AYSO activity (practice, team meeting, etc.) Due before August.
  • Sudden Cardiac Arrest: Due before you can lead an AYSO activity (practice, team meeting, etc.) Due before August.
  • SafeSport: Due before you can lead an AYSO activity (practice, team meeting, etc.) Due before August.
  • Coach License: Due before you can coach a game. Games start in September, so you should enroll in a Coach License classes well before September, usually in June or July.

Get a voucher code for a free Live Scan fingerprinting

FOR AYSO 114 VOLUNTEERS ONLY. Request your free voucher code HERE.

Help with volunteer profile issues

Having issues completing something in your volunteer profile? Visit our HELP FOR VOLUNTEERS page.

Head Coach Applications (and Equipment selection) - Due June 15th

For Head Coaches only. When submitting a Head Coach application, you may choose one free equipment item from the EQUIPMENT MENU. Thank you for volunteering! Note: Head Coach sign-ups after June 15th will default to the "Essential Coach Kit," and will be subject to the available equipment on hand.

Volunteer & Player Locks - Due June 15th

For Head Coaches only. You may request ONE volunteer and the player associated with that volunteer. Head Coaches use this form to request your volunteer/player lock. 

Equipment and Roster Distribution (Mandatory yearly meeting)

All coaches must attend the annual coach meeting. No, this is not the same thing as attending a Coach Certification class. This Region 114 internal meeting is required in order to obtain your roster and pick up your equipment. At Heartwell Park AYSO 114 Container. Bring a chair. You only need to attend ONE of the meetings -- you have two options:

  • Option 1: Monday, July 22nd, 5:30 pm - 6:15 pm
  • Option 2: Wednesday, July 24th, 5:30 pm - 6:15 pm

Head Coaches must have all background/fingerprint and online safety courses completed in order to receive Roster and Coach Equipment.

Deadline to Contact Players, August 1st

Practices may begin, August 5th (maybe)

Typically only the older age groups begin this early. Younger age groups typically begin the second or third week of August. U5-U6 groups begin after Jamboree.

U5 Jamboree, August 11th

Visit the U5 Jamboree page for more info.

Annual Team Manager Meeting and Uniform Distribution, Wednesday August 14th

Visit the Team Manager page for more info.

Game schedule

Will be posted to when ready. Usually around Labor Day weekend.

Reminder: The first teams of the day are responsible for setting up goals. (Goals are delivered to each field in the morning.) The last teams of the day are responsible for returning goals to the correct Goal Storage Locations.

Volunteer Points required for each team

All families are asked to volunteer, as referees, field liners, Saturday Info Booth staffers, and more. Volunteer points are required to play in the Commissioner's Cup playoffs. Visit the Region 114 Team Volunteer Points page for more info.

Opening Day Carnival and Photo Day, Sept 7th

This is also the first week of games for U16, U19, and Long Beach United EXTRA. Visit the Opening Day Carnival page for more info.

First week of games for U5 - U14, Sept 14th

Player Ratings, Due October 13th

Ratings are used to balance teams each season, and also for All-Stars and Spring Select Coaches to identify worthy candidates.

All Head Coaches of U5 - U16 teams (both Core and Long Beach United EXTRA) must submit evaluation forms. Email completed forms to [email protected]. Rename the file with your Team ID before sending.

Ratings are required for participation in the Light Lottery, Commissioner's Cup, and to receive your team Trophies.

All-Stars Coach Applications, Due October 13th

Want to Coach the All-Stars team? Visit our Post-Season Coach page for more info.

Silent Weekend, October 4 - 6

Visit Region 114 Silent Weekend page for more info.

Scheduled Rebalance, October 20th

For U10-U14, the regular season ends Nov 16th. However, we don't schedule the final weeks of the season until October 20th. This is because we "re-balance" the schedule, to ensure teams of similar skill get the opportunity to compete against each other. Undefeated teams playing winless teams benefit neither. Every team should be challenged, and soccer is more fun when each team has a chance to be competitive.

Light Lottery Zoom, October 27th

The Light Lottery schedule governs field space allocation for practices, after Daylight Savings ends. Visit the Light Lottery page for more info. THE LIGHT LOTTERY GOES INTO EFFECT MONDAY NOV 4TH.

U5-U8 Friendship Cup, Nov 16th

Visit the Friendship Cup page for more info.

Team Trophy and Yearbook Pickup, Nov 16th

U10-U14 Commissioner's Cup, Nov 20th-24th

Visit the Commissioner's Cup page for more info.

Training Sessions

Free Training Sessions with First Touch Soccer

This Fall season, coaches of Region 114 have access to free training sessions taught by certified Coach Instructors from First Touch Coaching.

How does it work?

Coaches sign up for a 60 minute time slot based on their team's Age Division. (Different days have different time slots based on team age.) Coaches bring their team that day to the designated First Touch field. A professional trainer from First Touch runs the session plan. Coaches should participate, supporting the First Touch trainer.

Note: It is important your team arrives on time, only in the designated day and time slot you have booked. If your team arrives late, the session cannot be extended.

The slot I want isn't available. Can I show up anyway?

No! You can only sign up to your age group’s allocated day and time slot. You must book your spot before attending. If a slot is already taken, you must choose a different slot, or move practice that week to a slot that does work.

Can I choose what we work on?

Yes, you can let the trainer know what you want to work on. Or, if you don't have anything in mind, First Touch Soccer professional trainers will follow a periodized season plan.

How many times can I sign up my team?

This training is a free resource and must be shared with all of the teams in the region. Please play fair -- sign up for just a couple or a few at first. (Treat it like Thanksgiving dinner-- make sure everyone gets some stuffing before you go back for more.) The Coach Admin team monitors the list, watching for teams that abuse this free resource. Remember, this is not intended to take place of ALL practices for the season. It should be used to augment your team's training, and used occasionally.

With that said, we also want to fill up the schedule (because the region pays the cost and the trainer is going to be there doing nothing when there is an empty slot.) So if it is Monday and you see spots available THIS SAME WEEK, then yes go ahead and sign up.

Where are the sessions?

Either field 8 or field 12. We are waiting for the city's permits before we know. Check the sign-up page and it will tell you.

For questions, contact Program Coordinator Sam Hunt at 626.316.9675 or email [email protected].

Practice Locations


⚽ Teams must practice near their assigned locations.

⚽ Don't mark out half the field. Share the space with everyone.

⚽ Fields 6 and 7 are reserved for U12 through U19 teams.

⚽ All practices must take place at Heartwell Park East. Do not practice Heartwell Park West, on the other side of Woodruff. Those fields belong to a different youth soccer organization. If you practice there, it puts our city permits at risk.

⚽ If you coach a team under U12 plus a team older than U12, you can set up in an area near your field, but not ON the field. Then when it is your time for the older team, you can stay where you are or move onto the field.

Field 12 is reserved for First Touch Team Training

Coach Certification Classes

Coach Certification Classes

All Head and Assistant Coaches need to be AYSO Certified at the level they coach. Visit our Become a Coach Page for more information about signing up for a Coach Certification course.

Print Team Line-Up

How to Print Team Line Up (U7 - U19)

Each U7-U19 team must present the Center referee with a Line-up card before the match. Here are step-by-step instructions to print Line Ups from your Team Page. Keep in mind:

  • Please print line-up cards on cardstock
  • Before printing, enter jersey #s so line-ups print in jersey # order from smallest to largest.
  • Step-by-step directions can be found on the Region 114 Coach Page.
  • Do not fill out the "Quarters Played" columns; this is for the Referees to complete during the match.

If you are a returning coach and still have previous line-up cards, you may use those. You must complete the line-up in jersey # order, and include all player last and first names

The Region 114 Coach Admin team has printable cardstock for coaches who need some.

Resources for Coaches

Soccer coaching resources

How to Deal with Referees

How to Deal with a Referee

From article, "How to Deal with a Poor Referee."

Giving constructive feedback to referees can be very helpful, but should not be done during a match..  You may ask if you can chat with a referee after a match, on the pitch, when they are done with their duties.  However, please try to be constructive, specific, and ultimately RESPECTFUL. If they agree to listen to your question/comment and you don't agree with the referee's response, thank them for providing their opinion and if you must, agree to disagree.  The conversation will likely prompt the referee to reflect on their decision while it is fresh in their mind and perhaps prompt them to study the topic or ask a mentor for insight so they can either confirm their decision or perhaps decide to handle a similar situation differently in the future. 
This is much more helpful to the referee than emailing the RRA.

Being a referee is extremely difficult, and the job is made more difficult because most spectators are rooting for only one side.  This inherent bias really does skew our perspective as spectators and coaches (even if referees themselves), whether we think so or not.  So give the refs the benefit of the doubt.  They are a crucial part of our youth soccer program.  Overall, they do a very good job, and they are learning and growing as officials, just as our players are growing and our coaches are growing.   

We cannot have games where coaches and/or spectators question the calls of referees requiring referees to stop matches to deal with the situation. We cannot have incidents, both before the start of a match and/or once a game has ended, when coaches and/or spectators confront referees or other volunteers over decisions made prior to, or during, the game.  AYSO has a “Zero Tolerance Policy” prohibiting such behavior.

Region 114 Coach FAQ

Region 114 Coach FAQ

Answers to the most common Coaching questions!

How do I sign up to be an AYSO Coach

Log into YOUR OWN account and submit a volunteer Coach application. Visit our Coach Sign-Up page for detailed instructions and step-by-step assistance.

My child is on the wait-list. If I Coach, will that activate them from the wait-list?

If you volunteer to be a HEAD Coach, then yes. Every time a Head Coach signs up, we are able to activate more players because that means we have someone to lead the team.

Once you've submitted your Head Coach application and have completed your online background check, then please send am email to the Coach Admin ([email protected]) and Region Registrar ([email protected]). The Registrar will activate your player and send you an email with payment instructions.

What are the requirements to be a Coach?

  • All Coaches must submit a volunteer Coach (Head or Assistant) application for each team they want to coach. This must be done every season.
  • All Coaches must be complete an annual online background check.
  • All Coaches must be Live Scan Fingerprinted for AYSO. You only need to do this once for the life of your volunteer account.
  • All Coaches must complete online safety videos. You only need to do this once.
  • All Coaches must obtain an AYSO Coach License by attending an in-person training event. You only need to do this once for each age group you coach.

Visit the Coach Sign-Up page for more info.

I've submitted my application. What do I do next?

The Coach Admin team will reach out with a welcome email, explaining your next steps. The short version is: make sure all of the required items in your Volunteer profile have a checkmark. Only then are you certified to be an AYSO Coach.

By when must the Coach requirements be completed?

Every requirement shown in your volunteer profile needs to be completed, but they have different due dates:

  • Before you can receive a roster with contact information of minors, you must complete your Online Background Check ("Risk Status") and your Live Scan fingerprinting. Those each can take up to two weeks, so you should complete them before the end of June. We give out rosters in July only to coaches who have passed their background check.
  • Before you can lead a practice, you need to have all of your online safety courses completed. Practices begin in August, so complete them before August.
  • Before you can coach a game, you need to obtain your Coach License at an in-person coach training. Games start in September, so you should enroll in a Coach License class before September.

I've completed everything in my volunteer profile. What do I do next?

Check out our Region 114 Current Coach page for important dates and reminders about the current season.

Do I have to attend the coach certification training every year? Is it optional?

Once you are Licensed at the age level you are coaching, you do not need to do it again. (When you move up to coaching new levels, you'll need a new certification for the new level.) Nothing in your volunteer profile is optional --the coach licensing is required.

I don't see Coach Certification courses listed on AYSOU.

Most Coaching courses are in the late Summer, and are not posted on AYSOU until early July. Keep checking AYSOU. During other times of the year, it is hard to find nearby coach training events.

How can I tell which certifications I have, or which safety courses I need to take?

Log into and click Volunteer. Your volunteer profile shows you the status of all of your certifications and safety courses.

I coached in a different AYSO region before. Will my existing certifications transfer to 114?

Yes, as long as you use the same login information. If it does not, contact AYSO National CVPA [email protected] and they can help transfer your credentials. But if you coached outside of AYSO, that does not transfer, and you must get AYSO certified.

What is the minimum age to be an AYSO Coach?

You must be 18 years old or older to be an AYSO coach. Though AYSO appreciates and encourages young people to participate in all aspects of soccer including coaching, an individual under 18 years of age may not be listed as the head coach or assistant coach on the official roster, due to liability issues. They can certainly assist in training and even make decisions regarding the team, but can’t ever be left alone with players and can’t be listed on the official roster.

When do I receive my roster?

We build teams in July. Typically we hand out rosters at the Annual Coach meeting / late July. Upper divisions (14U/16U/19U) will usually hold a draft is there is more than 1 team.

Can I request players on my roster?

As Head Coach, you automatically have your own player assigned to your team. Additionally, Region 114 also allows Head Coaches to "lock" one volunteer, which includes the player associated with that volunteer.

At the youngest levels, U6 through U8, parents can submit teammate requests on their registration form. But At U10 and above, volunteering as Head Coach and submitting your volunteer "lock" is the only way to guarantee a teammate.

When do I practice?

Whenever you want. Head Coaches decide the practice schedule. (If another parent wants to dictate the practice schedule, they should have signed up to be a coach!) Of course, if you set practices for 3pm, don't expect everyone to make it. Find a time that works best for you, but be mindful of other families' work/school schedules.

Note: The Coach Administrator will let you know when you may begin practices (usually early August). Although at the youngest age groups, you might not need to start practices until mid-to-late August.

How do I select my practice spot or dates/times?

We don't have specific field or time slots, except at the upper age groups. So for the ages U5-U10, there are certain areas of the park where you should practice. This is described in the Region 114 Current Coach Info page.

Where do I practice?

All practices must be at Heartwell Park between Woodruff and Palo Verde. The other side of Heartwell Park is reserved for other soccer organizations and off limits to Region 114.

Field 7 is reserved for U12 teams. Field 6 is reserved for U14 - U19 teams. Fields 9 and 10 are reserved for U10 teams. Share the space nicely. Take up just what you need.

I'm Head Coach to multiple teams. Can I practice on the same field, back-to-back?

You can set up your practices back-to-back, yes. (Head Coaches choose their own practice schedule.) If your age groups are close in ages (U5 through U8) then yes you can practice at the same place.

If you are Head Coaching multiple teams where one is U8 or below, and the other is U10 or above, then please reach out to the Coach Administrator to discuss field options.

How often do I practice?

U5 and U6 practice once per week for about 45 minutes. (5 minute warmup game, 30 minutes of skills work, and 10 minutes scrimmage.)

U7 and U8 practice once per week for about an hour. (15 minute warmup game, 30 minutes of skills work, 15 minutes scrimmage.)

U10 and up practice twice per week. The length of time depends on the age group-- typically between one hour and 90 minutes, at the coach's discretion.

When are games?

Games in the Fall season occur once per week, September through November -- each team plays roughly 9 or 10 games (depending on Division). Most games are Saturdays, although the U7, U8, and U12 - U19 divisions might have occasional Friday evening games under the lights, which is an electric (pun!) atmosphere for the players.

When does the game schedule made public?

Around Labor Day.

If I coach multiple teams, will they play at the same time?

If you are the Head Coach of multiple teams, then we will build the schedule so that your games do not overlap. However, we cannot guarantee they will be on the same field or back-to-back. When the schedule is made public, review it and notify us if any games conflict (our scheduler is human so the occasional mistake happens). If you do not notify us, we cannot make changes once the schedule is finalized.

What are the game formats?

AYSO games are broken into two halves, with brief water/substitution breaks at quarters for U5 - U14. (U16 and U19 do not have quarter breaks.) The quarter-breaks are for substitutions and a quick drink of water. The quarter breaks are not full breaks, so keep the players on the field and quickly do your subs, and get them playing. The clock continues to run during the quarter breaks. A full break occurs only at halftime for all divisions.

  • U5-U6: 5v5, no keepers, small pop-up goals. 10 minute halves, 5 minute quarters. (Note: Scores and Win-Loss records are not kept)
  • U7-U8: 7v7 (6 field + 1 keeper) 20 minute halves, 10 minute quarters (Note: Scores and Win-Loss records are not kept)
  • U10: 7v7. 25 minute halves, 12 minute quarters
  • U12: 9v9. 30 minute halves, 15 minute quarters
  • U14: 11v11. 35 minute halves, 17 minute quarters
  • U16: 11v11. 40 minute halves, free substitutions
  • U19: 11v11. 45 minute halves, free substitutions

What size ball do we use?

  • U5-U8: Size 3
  • U10-U12: Size 4
  • U14+: Size 5

What size fields and goals do we use?

  • U5/U6: 30yd x 20yd, Pugg goals
  • U7/U8: 50yd x 30yd, 6' x 18' goals
  • U10: 80yd x 40yd, 7' x 21' goals
  • U12:100yd x 50yd, 8' x 24' goals
  • U14-U19: 110yd x 60yd, 8' x 24' goals

How does Post-Season play work?

Regardless of win-loss records, all teams that have accrued the requisite number of volunteer points are eligible to play in Region 114 post-season play. See the Volunteer Point page to learn about point requirements and accrual.

At the Core U5-U8 divisions, the Commissioner's Cup is a friendly tournament-- teams play two games, but outcomes are not tracked, and there is no "winner" of the Cup. But there is FREE PIZZA and medals to each participant! We want it to feel like a real tournament. Remember it is just for fun and play.

The Core U10 and above divisions participate in the Commissioner's Cup. which typically has teams playing two games on Day 1 and advancing to play one or two more games on Day 2. The winner from each division advances on to Area Z Tournament to compete against other Area Z region winners. The winner of Area goes on to Section 11 Tournament. The winner of Section advances to Western States Championships.

What is Core? EXTRA™? All Stars? Spring Select?

The most common AYSO program is the Core program (Fall only). This is the program that the vast majority of our players play. It consists of nine or ten weeks of games, with practices beginning in August, and games usually concluding before Thanksgiving.

AYSO EXTRA™ is a completely separate program from AYSO Core. EXTRA™ is also separate from All-Stars and Spring Select. Region 114 EXTRA™ teams, called "Long Beach United" form for both Fall and Spring EXTRA™ seasons. (Don't confuse the "United" team name with AYSO's United program which is the Official Club Program of AYSO soccer. Region 114 does not have a United Program.)

EXTRA™ is AYSO's program offering a higher level of play and requires try-outs. To qualify for Fall and Spring EXTRA™ programs the players must attend one of the tryouts that are usually held December - February. More info can be found on our EXTRA™ page.


All-Stars teams are fielded through invitation, from a pool of the Core U10 and above players, and play in the Area Z All-Stars Tournament in January. There may also be play in some optional tournaments immediately after the Core season, from late November up through January. Winners of the Area Z tournament advance to the Section 11 Tournament, and winners of Section 11 advance to Western States Championships.

All-Stars teams are formed by using the player ratings cards that Core coaches are asked to fill-out during the Fall season, so it is very important that all coaches complete them as requested. Note: Not every gender-division may form an All-Star team... it depends on whether a coach volunteers to form an All Star team for a given gender-division level. If you are interested in coaching an All Star Team, please reach out to the Region 114 Coach Administrator.

Spring Select teams are formed by the Spring Select coach. Usually the first opportunity to fill the team is given to Fall All-Star players, and then other slots may be filled by the coach. Often the opportunity is given to children of dedicated volunteers that want to continue playing in the Spring. (Another reason to volunteer!) Spring Select has a 10-week schedule that runs from March - May, with the Spring Select Tournament wrapping up in early June. Spring Select Teams play against other Spring Select teams within Area Z, so some travel is involved. (Downey, Lynwood, South Gate, Wilmington, Lakewood, etc.)

Region 114 attempts to have a Spring Select team for every division, and in fact sometimes we have two from the same division, but ultimately it is subject to how many Select Coach volunteer applications we receive. If you are interested in coaching a Select Team, please reach out to the Region 114 Coach Administrator.

How do you apply for post-season coaching?

Check out our Post-Season Coaching Page for more information.

How do I know what to work on during practices?

THe answer depends on your age level. AYSO provides coaching manuals. But YouTube is a bottomless pit of session ideas and skill ideas.

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Contact Us

AYSO Region 114

Heartwell Park 
Long Beach, California 90808

Email Us: [email protected]
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