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American Youth Soccer Organization Providing world class youth soccer programs that enrich children's lives.

AYSO 114 Long Beach

Region 114 Opening Day Festival

Opening Day Festival, Carnival, and Team Photos

AYSO 114 invites you to a Carnival to celebrate the start of soccer season. Please join coaches, teammates, and the AYSO community at a fun-filled event. The festival combines carnival games, team photos, food booths, silent auction, and more. This carnival is our Region's biggest fundraiser of the year -- so buy some carnival tickets and support Region 114!

Hours and Location

Carnival Hours: Saturday, September 7th, 8:15am - 3:00 pm

The festival takes place at Region 114 Heartwell Park, between Woodruff and Palo Verde -- basically smack dab in the middle of Fields 8 and 11.

There is a parking lot along Carson, just East of Woodruff. Or, if you park South of the fields, around Parkcrest Street, please be considerate and DO NOT block driveways. You represent Region 114, and we thank you for helping us remain a positive community partner.

Game & Food Booths

Carnival style games and inflatable "bouncy-houses" require at least 2 tickets. Food tickets vary from 2 to 14 tickets.

Only tickets will be accepted at all game and food booths. Ticket prices:

  • 2 tickets = $1
  • 10 tickets = $5
  • 20 tickets = $10
  • 40 tickets = $20
  • 60 tickets = $30
  • 80 tickets = $40
  • 100 tickets = $50 (comes with raffle entry to win a prize)

You may purchase tickets with cash or credit card, however we cannot accept $100 or $50 bills, or checks. Come early; no refunds for unused tickets. Carnival ends at 3pm.

Team Photos

  • Photo times are assigned (in 2024) by Region's volunteer Photo Coordinator.
  • Ask your team to arrive 30 minutes prior to scheduled photo time, in full uniform. Tip: Parking is a zoo, so tell your parents to arrive even earlier.
  • Team Parent or Coach must check-in to the "Check-in station" (without the team) 15 minutes prior to schedule photo time.
  • Line up players shortest to tallest. Walk team in their "shortest-to-tallest" order to the photo-ready line.

Reminder that your Region 114 Registration Fee includes 1 Memory Mate (Team picture and individual photo all-in-one), 4 wallets and a button. Additional items may be purchased after photo day-- you do not need to order ahead of time. You will receive a personal link after photo day to purchase additional photos/items.

The photo company will use the email/postal address in your primary Region 114 account. Make sure that is up to date!

Team Volunteers for Game & Food Booths

Each U5 to U12 team has been assigned to work (2) 1-hour booth shifts. Your booth times were supplied in your Team Parent packet. Find Team Packet on our Team Manager page.

NOTE: Please do not split these shifts as it makes it very difficult to manage the transition of volunteers. All volunteers should check-in at the information table to be assigned a volunteer location. Also note, these assigned shifts are required of EVERY team. These shifts do not accrue towards your volunteer point total.

Teams that do not show up for their assigned shift will be ineligible for light lottery, post-season tournaments, and playoffs.

Team Donation Items

Each U5 to U19 team has been assigned a donation item to bring to the Carnival. Please find your assigned donation item in your Team Parent packet. Items may be dropped off between 7am and 8am on Saturday of the Carnival. Please check-in at the Volunteer Table when delivering. Please ensure that all soda and water are name brands. For those bringing ice, Smart & Final opens at 7am.

Please reach out to our Festival Coordinator, Erica Rodriguez ([email protected]) with questions about Opening Day Donation Items.

Auction Baskets

U7 and U8 Teams are assigned Auction Baskets, instead of food/beverage items. Baskets should not contain anything that melts. Please use this Sign-Up Genius to register for a 2023 Basket. Try and think "outside the box" for your basket. We would like to have a variety of baskets. Please email Elana ([email protected]) your basket information BEFORE purchasing items to ensure we don't have an overload of the same type of basket. Baskets should have a $50 or more value.

Banner Contest

To have your banner entered into the contest, please have your banner displayed at Opening Day between 1pm - 2pm. Banners can be set up after 8am and should be taken down by 3pm.

There are two categories for the Banner Contest: Home Made, and Professionally Made. Three winners in each category will be selected:

  • 1st place: $50
  • 2nd place: $40
  • 3rd place: $30

Need to have your banner printed or designed? Here are offers from Region 114 banner partners.


Questions about yovolunteer times, or assignments, or the festival? Please reach out to our Festival Coordinator, Erica Rodriguez [email protected]. Be sure the email includes team gender, division and number. If your question is not answered within 48 hours please be patient, we are all volunteers!

Quick Links

2024 Opening Day Carnival Information (PDF)

This document has it all:

  • Carnival Times
  • How to Buy Tickets
  • Team Donation List
  • Team Volunteer Shifts
  • Team Photo Schedule


Some of the duties are listed with Team IDs. If you do not know your team ID, you can find it on the 2024 Team IDs.

National Partners

Region 114 Sponsors

Contact Us

AYSO Region 114

Heartwell Park 
Long Beach, California 90808

Email Us: [email protected]
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