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American Youth Soccer Organization Providing world class youth soccer programs that enrich children's lives.

AYSO 114 Long Beach


Become A Volunteer Referee

How to Become a Volunteer AYSO Referee

  1. Complete a Volunteer Referee Application* on this website, (It doesn't matter which division you select; you only need to submit one Referee application even if you plan to referee in multiple age-divisions.) This must be done once per season.
  2. Complete an online background check -- which is the final step when submitting the referee application. (After submitting your volunteer application, look for an email from [email protected]. You must follow this link to initiate the background check.) This must be done once per year.
  3. Complete required online volunteer safety courses through AYSO-U. (Once you submit the referee application through your own account-- not a spouse's account -- your volunteer page will display a link that takes you to the "AYSOU" online training portal.)

    The four online volunteer safety courses are: Safe Haven, Concussion Awareness, SafeSport, and Sudden Cardiac Arrest.
  4. Attend a Regional Referee Course (either full-in person, or "hybrid" course which is partial-online and partial in-person) You can take a course through Region 114, or ANY AYSO Region. To find courses, go to your volunteer profile and follow the "AYSOU" link.

The above AYSOU online safety courses should be completed prior to class but must be completed before you can be activated to referee games.


How to Find Referee Training Courses

You can find referee certification courses to take throughout the year taught at ANY AYSO REGION. All training events are listed in the AYSO-U training portal. (See above Step-By-Step guide.) To access the portal, log into your account and go to your Volunteer page. If you have submitted a volunteer referee application there will be a link that takes you to "AYSOU."

Region 114, being one of the biggest, and definitely the best, around schedules classes throughout the year as well. These are attended by our Region 114 referees as well as aspiring referees from other regions. (Because our instructors are known far and wide to be AWESOME.) As we schedule classes in Region 114, we'll add them to our Region's calendar, and also send out reminder emails to anybody who is registered as a referee.

Questions About Referee Volunteers or Training Courses?

For questions about training courses, please contact Regional Referee Instructor Jason Rollo at [email protected].

For general questions about volunteer referres, contact our Regional Referee Administrator, Brian Cleven at [email protected].

Upcoming Referee Courses

Referee Training Courses 

Below is a list of Region 114's current Referee Training Courses. You may sign up for one of our courses, or select a course at a nearby region that is convenient for you. No matter where you choose to take your course, you must register for the course at AYSOU. (Log into your account, click Volunteer tab, and if you have submitted an application you will find a link that says "AYSOU".)

Note: Region 114 Regional Referee Courses are free for Region 114 referees; while you may attend a course offered by other regions, they may require a fee. If you pay a fee to another region, get a receipt and submit a Reimbursement Form.

Before attending any referee course, you MUST register for the course through AYSOU.

In-Person Regional Referee Courses

New referees must take the Regional Referee Course. Additionally, you MUST complete your AYSOU online safety courses: Safe Haven, Concussion Awareness, SafeSport, and Sudden Cardiac Arrest modules BEFORE attending any portion of the online or in-person Regional Referee course.

  • Saturday, August 3rd 

This is a fully in-person course. Free to volunteers from Region 114. For participants registered outside of Region 114 - Long Beach, there will be a $35 fee to cover course materials. Please bring check/cash to class made payable to "AYSO Region 114".

To register for this course, log into your account, click Volunteer, and if you have submitted a referee application follow the link for "AYSOU." You must register for this course at AYSOU or you cannot attend this course.

Hybrid Regional Referee Courses

New referees must take the Regional Referee Course. Additionally, you MUST complete your AYSOU Regional Referee Course, Safe Haven, SafeSport, Concussion Awareness, and Sudden Cardiac Arrest online modules BEFORE attending the in-person portion of this training..

  • September 5th
  • October 3rd

This is a HYBRID Companion Course That means you must complete/pass the Online Regional Referee Companion Course through the AYSOU Training Library, prior to enrolling in the part 2 in-person class.

To register for this course, you must first complete a Volunteer Regional Referee application through your AYSO region (such as This is required in order to be able to access the AYSOU training portal for volunteer courses. Once you've completed the application, log into, click Volunteer, and if you have submitted a volunteer referee application find the link that says "AYSOU." You must register for this course at AYSOU or you cannot attend this course.

This class is for refereeing in 8U & 10U divisions, and by the end of the season some of you may be able to assist on 12u games. Minimum age is 10 years, but 12 is recommended. The in-person companion course will have a classroom review, referee mechanics training, and review recent changes to the Law of the Game. Bring pen and paper for notes.

Prior to attending the in-person portion of the course, you must complete the Online Regional Referee Course. You must bring your completed Online Regional Referee Certificate with you, or you will be turned away from the companion class.

Intermediate Referee Courses

Dates: Anyone interested in an Intermediate Referee Class, email Jason Rollo at [email protected].

Location: TBD.

What is provided: Referee training material, refreshments, light lunch on Saturday, and water.

What you need to bring: Pencil or pen and paper for notes and the exam, (bottled beverage and snack if desired). For candidates outside Region 114, a pre-paid registration fee of $90 is required by cash, personal check, or region check, 3 days prior to the first night of class.


This is geared to referees that will be refereeing in 11U/12U (and older). You must have a Regional Referee Badge, suggested 1 to 2 seasons of referee experience to be certified as an Intermediate Referee. Please complete the online prerequisites mentioned below before arriving on the day of the class (if not done already).

  • You must be registered as an AYSO Youth or Adult Volunteer (e.g., a Referee) in (or your local AYSO region)
  • At aysoU, complete online AYSO's Safe Haven course in the past three years
  • At aysoU, complete onine CDC: Concussion Course course
  • At aysoU, complete onine Sudden Cardiac Arrest course
  • At aysoU, complete onine SafeSport course

There is MUCH MORE information about this class on AYSOU. Email Region Region 114 Regional Referee Instructor at [email protected] with any questions.

Excuses Not To Referee

I'm thinking of refereeing but...

I have no time

Referees get to pick their own games. Choose as few or as many as you'd like. Plus, refereeing is a much smaller commitment than coaching and you still make just as big an impact on the kids.

I'm not comfortable refereeing on the field

Most referees start out as Assistant Referees (ARs). The ARs are the sideline referees who raise flags when the ball goes in and out. If you're not comfortable being the center referee (the main referee in charge of the game), the AR is a great way to ease into the refereeing world.

I have little to no experience with soccer

Great. Your mind is an empty cup. We teach you the laws of soccer, and train you for free.

Why does AYSO need volunteer referees?

AYSO is 100 percent volunteer organization; we all do it for the kids. Each season we need as many referees as coaches if not more; refereeing is easier and less of a time commitment. AYSO is about playing Fun, Fair and Safe. Our referee training is what makes it possible. If there is no official to referee a game the kids don't get to play.

I don't have a uniform.

Region 114 supplies, for free, a complete referee "kit" (shirt, shorts, awesome over-the-calf socks!) to all referees who complete their in-class training and online safety courses. Plus, we throw in all the accessories you need: a referee booklet, flags, and Laws of the game book.

I don't have a whistle.

That's a pretty weak excuse. But yeah, we give you one of those too.

I never played soccer. I'm not familiar with its laws.

We train you. We give you the Laws book. You can also request a mentor to stand on the sideline and answer your questions, one on one, while you referee.

Fine. I am out of excuses. I will referee!

It really is the best view on the field. And most importantly: IT'S FUN AND REWARDING TO WORK WITH KIDS!

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AYSO Region 114

Heartwell Park 
Long Beach, California 90808

Email Us: [email protected]
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